Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Brad McKinney - "The Picture That He Carries"

There are many reasons to fall in love with a song, but for me, the lyrics in Brad McKinney's song "The Picture That He Carries" was the kicker. I almost didn’t hear the music until the third time I listened to it, because the emotion behind his voice and the powerful lyrics had me captured.

However, after analyzing the rest of the song, it is apparent that his producer recognized his talent and created a beautiful mix of instruments to compliment his voice without drowning him out or leaving the message unheard.

Brad comes from a lineage of U.S. military veterans, and while not having served himself, he did one of the most patriotic things an American can do - take time out of his day to write an amazing song to show his appreciation for veterans.

Not only does Brad sing, but also creates all of his own harmonies – not a simple task, yet they are perfect.

Unlike many of us in the music business, Brad McKinney didn’t start writing music until he was inspired at the age of thirty-eight years old, but already his music is far beyond that of most career musicians. He has a natural talent for writing.

I hope that you will give a listen to Brad McKinney on iTunes and support a fantastic artist and patriot!

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