Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Zoee is Lighting up North America!

It was a pleasure to “meet” Zoee this Monday online.  The Australian born singer-writer, now residing in the U.K. is a joy to talk to, and more importantly, she is producing some incredible music, and it is my pleasure to feature it on WMOG.

One of our other most recent featured artists told me that “writing about music is like dancing about architecture.”  Therefore, I am not going to write about Zoee. Instead, I am going to let you decide for yourself how perfectly capable this young lady is of becoming one of the most respected and revered artists in new independent music.

You can reach / follow Zoee at the links below:

Sunday, March 11, 2018

“A Huge Thank You”

I have been overwhelmed with the support and submissions to WMOG over the last few months, and I can’t express my appreciation enough to folks like Scott Brandt, Nikki Briar, Jessie Lynn, Steve Dunfee, Danielle Haskell, Rugged Grace, Jennifer Mlott, Brad McKinney, Wild Fire, and more who have hung in with WMOG during the transition from Florida to Missouri.

I have some catching up to do. So, let me start with a huge “thank you.”

Our mission at WMOG is to give equal time to independent artists and the country stars we all know and love.  This inspiration was not mine: it was acquired from Tom Kelly, owner of Chasing Your Dream Radio.

Thank you, Tom.

The first few times I heard one of my songs played on CYDR behind Travis Tritt, Tim McGraw, or John Michael Montgomery, I was in awe.  I knew that my stupid songs were not going to make me thousands of dollars, but it sure did “make my day,” as Tom has always put it. I hope to carry that feeling on to other up-and-coming country artists.

So, raise a glass please, and say thank you to my friend and mentor, Tom Kelly. #USMC #SemperFi